Plagued Spider

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Revision as of 14:23, 2 December 2009 by WhiteCrane (Talk | contribs)

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Name Plagued Spider
Spawn Rate Minute
Hp Moderately High
Exp 90
Kill Exp Unknown
Max hit 150
Magic Resistance Moderate
Undead? No
Special abilities 6-point poison
Money 800
Drops Spider Venom (uncommon)


The Plagued Spider is an enourmous spider that lunges at you as if you were prey. It takes no mercy for that the boundries of morals do not hold value.



  • Drops Spider Venom, one of two spiders to do so (the other being the Guard Spider).
  • This is the only boss-like monster in the Trial of Gauntlet that is not undead - don't heal it!