Goblin Elder

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Revision as of 00:06, 22 April 2014 by WhiteCrane (Talk | contribs)

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Name Goblin Elder
Also known as GE
Difficulty Goldstar.gif Goldstar.gif Goldstar.gif Goldstar.gif
Alignment Lawful Evil
Spawn Rate Daily
Hp Moderately High
Exp 90
Kill Exp Unknown
Max hit
Magic Resistance Moderately High
Undead? No
Special abilities Summons Goblin Villagers
Drops Rhaok Key (common)
Gauntlets of Faravar (common)
Golden Flax Cord (rare)

The Goblin Elder looks to be an aged Goblin; however, his powers are underestimated. Greedy and armed with a shining dagger he looks to slay you immediately.

Attacks and abilities

The Goblin Elder has a similar but slightly stronger attack than the Goblin Villager, but his main threat is the ability to summon Goblin Villagers at a rate comparable to the speed at which most parties can kill them, eventually forcing you to leave them alive, hence inflicting more damage on your party.

Favourite quotes

"How dare you challenge me?!" "I am defeated, but there will always be an Elder to replace me!"


Plains of Faravar

